Sunday, November 25, 2012

Partyin' till 2am

This 4 day weekend has been amazing. My last thanksgiving was a hard one to beat, I was living in Colorado and the Van Essen clan let me crash their party playing-eat three times-laugh your butt off -holiday dinner. I was a little nervous how this one would pan out. It FAR exceeded my expectations.

On Wednesday, we were all hoping our boss would tell us at noon that we could scoot on out. We waited, and waited and waited. It was lunch time and I went to the break room. Five minutes into lunch, he came in and said we could go! I tried not to eat too fast, but I was too excited for a few afternoon hours without work. Later that night, I went to see Lincoln with some friends. It was good, but long and slow. I would redbox it.

Thursday I got up at a leisurely pace, made this vegan apple cranberry pie and worked out. I got ready and headed off to my friend Daisie's uncle's house. After dinner, I went to my community group leaders house.We went around in a circle and shared what the Lord has done in our lives over the past year, prayed together and then drank wine by the fire. It was special and sweet. I didn't go to bed until 2am.. TWO am. Totally not like me.

Friday, I woke up, leisurely again (sound like groundhog day anyone?) worked out, did laundry, etc. I went to be with my church friends, again for a post-thanksgiving potluck. I knew it would be a late night again, but I have been feeling so refreshed from this weekend, that I did not mind. For the first hour or so, I mingled and ate some dinner. Then, Michael Jackson came on and I didn't stop dancing until the cops showed up at 12:45am. Again, not like me to be up so late. I was having the time of my life doing the dance to 'bye bye bye' and 'billie jean'.

Today has been filled with movies, a nice run outside in my favorite spot of town and grocery shopping. Hope y'all didn't mind the play-by-play. This weekend has been incredibly refreshing, giving and filling all at the same time. I am thankful for every single grace and gift I have that I do not deserve.

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